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The Kazakh Orchestra

Artistic Director and chief conductor-honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, knight of the order

The Kazakh orchestra Of the state academic Philharmonic of the mayor's office of Astana was established in 1998. At various times, the team was led by the famous Kazakh composer and conductor Mukhametkali Tnalin, honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Myrzagali Aidabolov. Since 2008, honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, knight of the order "Parasat", Professor aitkali Zhayymov has become the artistic Director and chief conductor of the Kazakh orchestra. Conductor - cultural figure Nurlan Bekenov

The performance of the Kazakh orchestra is always a bright artistic event. His performing style is characterized by a high culture of sound, expressiveness, emotionality and temperament.

The team consists of talented musicians: honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Anar Muzdakhanova; honored artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhexembek Nurzhauov, Batyr Temiraliev; winner of the order "Kurmet" Zhanar Zhusipova; cultural figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bazaraly Tusipzhanov, Nurlan Bekenov; excellent culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sholpan Turmaganbetova; winners of international and Republican contests Zhanar Kassymova, Botagoz Tashimova, Mukhit Cholokaev, Askar Zhusipov, Rosa Isaeva, Aiym Bekbayeva, esti the Aytkulov, Amina Basimova, Tolkyn Department, Bibigul Altybaeva, Saken Bekzhanov, Bauyrzhan Aldibekov, Ayaulym Zhamkenov etc.

The Kazakh orchestra are the performers: people's artist of USSR Bibigul Tulegenova, people's artist of Kazakhstan and Tatarstan, State prize winner Nurzhamal ussenbayeva; the honoured artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Maira mukhamedkyzy, Bagdad Samidinova, Bekbolat Tleukhan; people's artist of Kazakhstan Altynbek Korazbaev; honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Maira Ilyasova, etc.

The glorious page of the history of the Kazakh orchestra is made up of cooperation with legendary conductors: people's artist of the USSR, state prize winner, Professor Shamgon Kazhgaliev, people's artist of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Tatarstan, Professor Fuat Mansurov, people's artist of Uzbekistan, Professor Faruk Sadykov, honored artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhalgasbek Begendikov, etc.

The orchestra's repertoire includes folk, professional and academic music of Kazakhstan. An important part of the concert programs are Kazakh dombra kuis, which were created by great artists: Korkyt, Ketbuga, Dauletkerei, Kurmangazy, Tattimbet, Ylas, Sugur, Dina Nurpeisova, Alshekey Baktibayuly, Makhambet Utemisov and many others.

The Kazakh orchestra also performs works by Kazakh composers, both classics and contemporaries-Akhmet Zhubanov, Mukan Tolebayev, Latif Khamidi, Sadyk Mukhamedzhanov, Nurgisa Tlendiev, Makalim Koishibayev, Kenzhebek Kumisbekov, Mynzhasar Mangitayev, aitkali Zhayymov, Arman Zhayym, Nurlan Bekenov, etc. 

The audience is always interested in compositions of foreign academic music, which sounds in the processing for the orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments, and these are enchanting works of Johann Strauss and Imre Kalman, the Baroque composer Antonio Vivaldi and other works. 

The Kazakh orchestra presents its audience with many informative and diverse programs: the team held evenings dedicated to the work of Chokan Valikhanov, Saken Seifullin, Nurgisa Tlendiev, Abish Kekilbayev, Fariza Ongarsynova, Olzhas Suleimenov, Serik Turgynbekov, Khabidolla tastanov, Tolegen Mombekov, Mukan Tulebayev, and others. 

Musical and theatrical performances with the participation of the Kazakh orchestra are also held with great success: "Alpamys Batyr", "Kyz Zhibek pen sansyzbay", "Nagyz Kazak-dombyra", "Abaydyn Kara sozderi", "Korkyt", "Bahadur Babalar", "Kozy Korpesh – Bayan Sulu", "Serper", "Uly Dala ulagaty", "Aldar – Kose", etc.

The Kazakh orchestra takes part in many cultural events of the city and the Republic (days of culture of Astana, Winter Asian games-2011, etc.). It has already become a good tradition for the band to perform on city stages on Independence Day, Constitution Day, Nauryz, etc.

The Kazakh orchestra is a participant of the Republican festival of folk instrument orchestras "Serper". its performances within the festival invariably evoke a hot emotional response from the audience.