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Home / Performers / Collectives / BRASS BAND


Darkhan Rakhimgaliev, the first – degree winner of the all-Russian Veronika Dudarova competition of orchestral conductors, is the chief conductor.

Conductors – Alibek Zhakupov, Kasym Aitbaev and Anna Korzunova


The brass band was established in 2001, the year of the 10th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The first artistic Director and chief conductor of the orchestra was the Governor of Mukhatzhanova. A big role in creating the team played Kairolla Zhumakanov (1955-2008), who became its first Director. Due to the valuable authority of Cairolli of Grimashevich Brass band has overcome a lot of difficulties since its inception. In different periods, the orchestra's conductors were honored figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan Talgat Berdigulov, Alexander Belyakov, Tlek yergaliev, and Valery Skorokhod. Currently, the orchestra's chief conductor is Darkhan Rakhimgaliyev, the first-degree winner of the all-Russian Veronika Dudarova competition of orchestral conductors.

The Philharmonic group belongs to the largest and richest variety in its composition – the so-called Grand brass band. This orchestra has more than 60 performers who play all modern brass and woodwind instruments (including percussion). This allows you to achieve a variety of timbre colors, technical mobility, special sound fusion and dynamic flexibility. As part of the team – winners of international competitions Sayat Kapizov, Daudan Tlek, Gayrat Yuldashev, Zarina Maralbaeva etc.

Many holidays of the capital can't do without a Brass band: its sound gives a special solemnity to events. The brass band is regularly invited to open large objects of the dynamically developing capital with the participation of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev and the mayor of the city. This includes the delivery of major architectural sights of the left Bank of the capital – buildings of national company "KazMunayGas", oil company "LUKOIL" and the tower "Baiterek" monument, the symbol of the country. On the Right Bank, a Brass band participated in the opening of the new railway station, the monument "Friendship of peoples", etc.

As a rule, marches are played at such events. A brass band plays marches of Soviet and Kazakh writers, including the processing of Akim Mukhatzhanova: "Menin Kazakstanym" by Shamshi Kaldayakov, "Armandastar" Aset Beiseuov etc. a Significant place in the repertoire this holiday season, the capital is also a song dedicated to Kazakhstan and Astana, including "My city" on poems by Nursultan Nazarbayev, music by Tolegen Mukhamedzhanov.

A special page of the team's rich creative activity is educational work. At the suggestion of the former mayor of Astana Imangali Tasmaganbetov, the Brass band took part in the National project "1000 Kazakh kuys". Akim Mukhatzhanov made arrangements of folk melodies, which later made up two volumes of the musical edition "Kui Dastan" (together with Sergey Zhorov, 2011). And the Cui sounded in an unusual setting-the setting of wind instruments.

The brass band regularly participates in major musical events. Its artists are welcome guests of The international festivals "Musical Sary-ARKA" and "Zhibek Zholy". The brass band is a constant participant Of the international festival "Astana Samaly".

The team and residents of Novosibirsk were happy at the celebrations dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the city in 2013. In 2017, the Brass band took part In the international festival of brass bands during the celebration of the 295th anniversary of the city of Yekaterinburg, and in 2018, the band became a participant of the International flower festival in St. Petersburg.

In September 2019, the brass band of the Nur-Sultan Philharmonic made a lasting impression during the international parade of orchestras of the CIS countries "March of the 1000th anniversary" in Brest. The press wrote: "the brass band of the Nur-Sultan state academic Philharmonic aroused genuine interest of the audience. Musicians in national costumes began their performance with the sounds of unprecedented instruments – unusually long pipes that emit a melodic call. And Kazakh music, traditional folk and modern songs poured out, which gathered hundreds of listeners around them " (https://vb.by).

And, of course, without the participation of the team can not do without the favorite music show of the capital's residents - the international festival of wind orchestras "Astana Samaly", dedicated to the Day of the capital of Kazakhstan.

The audience comes to Brass band concerts with pleasure. The team presented a lot of interesting thematic programs: "parade of soloists", "music of cinema", "Music of the New World", "music of Italy", "Kui Dastan", "Jazz&Rock", "Soundtrack", "Jazz Time", "planet Hollywood", "Asia Dauysy", "Legends of rock", "the Best of Seasons", "Music From Movies", "they Say, on New year's eve, that is not desired... by countries and continents", "Kui Dastan" etc.

The brass band has twice held monographic concerts dedicated to the work of Adil Bestybayev ("B. Es. T"), whose music ranks high in the world brass music rating according to Bandworld (USA). The composer dedicated the composition "Nauryz"to the brass band.

Concerts of the Brass orchestra was conducted by such authoritative musicians as honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kanat Akhmetov; chief military conductor of the Russian armed forces General-Lieutenant Victor Afanasev, the main conductor of the Novosibirsk municipal brass band, honored scientist of Russia Igor Sugrov; head of military orchestral service of the Internal troops of Kazakhstan Askhat mukhamedyarov. The concerts were attended by outstanding soloists: people's artist of Kazakhstan and Tatarstan, winner of the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurzhamal Usenbayeva, people's artist of the Kazakh SSR Yuri Klushkin, honored workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tatyana Khasyanova, Jean Tapin, and others.

The performing professionalism of musicians, their artistry, combined with a bright form of clothing, can always serve as a decoration for any festive event. Being a propagandist of musical art in Kazakhstan and adopting the experience of leading brass bands, the brass band Of the state academic Philharmonic of the mayor's office of Nur-Sultan carries the banner of culture high to raise the image of the young capital.