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Home / News / Challenge Record # Abai175: 700 artists from the capital performed the song “Zhelsіz tүnde zharyk ay”



Challenge Record # Abai175: 700 artists from the capital performed the song “Zhelsіz tүnde zharyk ay”

NUR-SULTAN - More than 700 artists of the State Academic Philharmonic of the Akimat of Nur-Sultan took part in the Kazakhstani flash mob # Abai175, Kazinform reports citing the press service of the philharmonic.

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Today it is the largest event dedicated to the upcoming anniversary celebration of the 175th anniversary of Abay: continuing the modern tradition of the popular challenge, the metropolitan team set a kind of record for the number of participants.

The artists and the leadership of the State Academic Philharmonic of the Akimat of the city of Nur Sultan gladly supported the idea of ​​holding a flash mob. Today the Philharmonic of the Kazakh capital is one of the leading concert and educational institutions in the city, where 11 creative groups function: the Kazakh Orchestra, the Symphony Orchestra, the Brass Band, the String Quartet, the Chamber Choir, the Saryarka Folk Music Ensemble, the Shalymy Folk Dance Ensemble, the Group traditional music "Korkyt", Classical and pop vocal department, Traditional folk singing department, "Alem" pop dance ensemble.

The pride of the Moscow Philharmonic is its soloists, outstanding musical figures of Kazakhstan: People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurzhamal Usenbaeva; Honored Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mayra Ilyasova; Honored Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aitkali Zhayymov (also Knight of the Order of Parasat), Aigul Kosanova (also Knight of the Order of Urmet), Yernar Myntaev, Bibigul Zhanuzak, Azamat Zyltyrguzov, Altynay Zhorabaeva, Gulzira Bokeikhan; Knight of the Order "Ermet" Abdurasul Yesekeyev; cultural figures Nurai Tanabaev, Nurlan Bekenov, Sholpan ҚorҚanbek, Arailym Rakhymkyzy and others.

Soloists and groups of the Moscow Philharmonic performed a cappella song of Abay “Zhelsіz tүnde zharyk ai”. General Director Yerlan Dakenov noted the importance of celebrating the anniversary of the great Kazakh poet and enlightener Abay and handed the baton to the philharmonic societies of Kazakhstan and Russia on behalf of the collective.


Recall, to the 175th anniversary of Abai, a challenge was launched to read excerpts from his poems. The head of state, Kassym-Zhomart Tokaev, took the baton with a 9-year-old student of the Lyceum-Shyra Lyceum.

Head of the Presidential Administration Krymbek Kusherbayev, Chairman of the Mazhilis Nurlan Nigmatulin, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askhat Aymagambetov, Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aktoty Raimkulova, Minister of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dauren Abaev, Press Secretary of the President of Kazakhstan Berik Uali, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Russia Imangali Tasmagambetov, akims of the regions, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, singer Dimash Kudaibergen, composer, people's artist of Russia Igor Krutoy also supported the relay.

Employees of the MIA “Kazinform” performed the song of Abay “Kazimnіn Karasi” in Kazakh, English, Russian, Chinese, Uzbek. The Kazinform team passed the baton to the Tatar-inform news agency, the Kabar Kyrgyz national news agency, the Tengrinews portals and NUR.KZ.

Challenge for reading the works of the great poet Abay Kunanbaev was supported in Azerbaijan, Tatarstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Japan, Uzbekistan, Jordan,

France. The ambassadors of France and the United States in Kazakhstan also joined the poetic marathon.

Recall that on April 26, 2019, during a meeting with representatives of the intelligentsia of the city of Semey, as part of a working trip to the East Kazakhstan region, the President noted that the historic date - 175th anniversary of the birth of Abay Kunanbayuly - should be noted at a decent level.

During a working trip to East Kazakhstan region, Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev visited the homeland of the great Abay - Zhidebay tract, paying tribute to the brilliant thinker of the Kazakh people.

“This sacred place needs to be given high status, to make it a popular place of pilgrimage in the same way as in Russia it was done with Pushkin’s homeland, in the UK - Shakespeare, in Germany - Goethe,” he emphasized.

On May 30, 2019, the Head of State signed the Decree "On the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the birth of Abay Kunanbayuly."